Best Android apps for:
Easy xkcd

Android phones offer a wide range of apps to choose from, and finding the best one for your specific needs can be a daunting task. If you're looking for an easy way to find and access your favorite xkcd comics, then this list of the best Android apps for easy xkcd is for you. Here you'll find a selection of the best Android apps that make it easy to view and read xkcd comics quickly and easily right on your Android device. So if you're a fan of xkcd or just want an easy way to access all your favorite strips, then this list is a must-have.

This application can be used to view the HTML, CSS, JavaScript or XML sources of webpages and remotely located files. It supports different syntax highlighting themes, adjustable colors, line numbers, text wrapping, in-source active links, mobile...

We’ve made paying someone and getting paid as easy as sending a text or email.The Popmoney Android app lets you easily send or request money from friends, family, or anyone at all. * All you need is their name and email address...

keep track of for later - Bookmark strips for easy navigation - Support for the following popular strips: - xkcd - SMBC (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal) - Cy&H (Cyanide & Happiness) -...

This is a generic, powerful and very pleasant viewer for web comics. It is fully free and has no ads. Read web comics seamlessly even in poor network conditions with this amazing app! It will remember which strips you've already read. It...

to invert comic colors) In-App Purchases are just used for donations, the app is completely free!Easy xkcd is Open Source!...

comic browser that won't crash every time you load a new comic. It’s easy to:   • browse comics  • see comic explanations  • save them as favorites (and access them offline)  • share them   •...

It's really irritating that the xkcd website doesn't automatically redirect to the mobile site. The mobile site allows you to easily see the alt text, which is an integral part of the comic. This app will redirect for you....

Simple app to easily browse site. Main Features: * Direct Link with ExplainXKCD Website * In-App Minibrowser * UI CustomizationNOTE: This app have been developer as final test for the Android course by GDG-Palermo...

access the favorites page) - Sharing: Text your favorite comics to your friends, or post them to your favorite social networks. - Easy navigation: Refresh for XKCD offers easy navigation...

Application for viewing xkcd comics with hover text, favourites, search by title, access to the xkcd archives, and sharing functions. xkcd is owned by Randall Munroe ( If you encounter any bugs or...

HoloYolo is a xkcd comic viewer in a very simple, yet easy to use design.NOTICE: this is in early development so expect bugs! If you find any bugs, feel free to send a message to:...

by serving up your favorite web comics into one easy-to-use, scrollable page. With The Funny Page, all of the latest comics are at your finger tips the moment they're released. By pulling the RSS feed from web comic websites,...

You might have heard of passphrases, where random words are strung together to make a password. If so, you probably know that a passphrase can be both easier to remember, and at the same time harder to guess, than the types of password that are used...

Need to make a decision, get a number: if it's even go left, odd, go right. Need a one-off password or just don't feel like thinking one up? Now you can get one. Simple. Really simple. Just a simple random number and password...

Use Passphrase Generator to create easy to remember passphrases/passwords that are just combinations of English words, yet are extremely secure, as much or more so as a typical random/unreadable password. As XKCD...

by year, with thumbnails of each episode for easy visual reference - News tab for updates on new webcomics and app features - Store tab to browse merchandise from our artists OUR LINEUP Comic Chameleon is the ultimate...

This XKCD reader provides an easy way to view comics from It provides features such as -Random comic-Search by number-View in browser-Fullscreen-ExplainXKCD ...and more! More updates...

creating high-entropy passphrases that are very easy to remember! As introduced on the webcomic XKCD, high-entropy (resistant to brute-force random character attack) passphrases can be made from very common,...

Cube Clock is a simple, effective, and easy to use app for timing Rubik's Cube solves. It provides scrambles, saves times, and calculates averages and other useful statistics. Cube Clock makes it easy to undo...

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